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Two things happened....

1) Cinder and I went to our first show. We traveled to HHP for the IDS schooling show and despite wildly variable weather, we completed all three Intro dressage tests and ended up with two second and a first for our efforts. I even got a 7 on one test for rider position. Whoo hoo! Cinder was a rock star despite managing to scratch her cornea in the stall. Seriously?

2) I cantered Darcy! On two different days in both directions for half the ring and we didn't die. She wasn't crazy fast or totally unbalanced and she settled fairly quickly afterwards. This is a pretty huge deal for us. This mare is not my usual type of preferred ride, but she is safe and willing so I am pulling up my big girl panties and making it work. She loves the attention and tries really hard, so it is totally worth pushing outside of my comfort zone.

Both exciting accomplishements. Both mares were very good. I'll take it.

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